Remember Me
Directed by Pierce Jackson Esteves
Starring: Sophia Feldman, Tara Andujar, and Robert Payamps
A young woman struggles to maintain her sanity amidst the belief she has a stalker
Remember Me is a psychological thriller about a young woman who believes she’s being stalked by someone violent. Sent into a paranoid spiral, she defaults to indulging in substance abuse while isolating herself from her friends and falling apart behind closed doors. This doesn’t stop the torment, which escalates as her mental health declines. She experiences spells of amnesia that are written off due to the alcohol. A repressed trauma makes itself known. The physical stalker isn’t real, but her mind’s hyper vigilance will guarantee delusions keeping her from ever feeling safe.
USA, 2023. Color HD

Pierce Jackson Esteves first joined the film community in highschool, quickly taking over
the vision mixing and tech producing responsibilities. Adapting to that made other set situations much more palatable, but he eventually found his passion in post-production while studying at Marymount Manhattan College and was invited to be a part of Lambda Pi Eta. While his inspirations were- and still are- music videos and horror movies, he’s found he tends to gravitate towards personal topics regarding relationships, loss, and mental health as he relates to them.
I use editing to make the invisible, visible; and I use film to challenge existing
perspectives. I’ve always been a storyteller, creating music videos in my head before I even
knew what I was doing. But beyond all, it was James Wan’s movies, specifically The Conjuring,
that inspired me the most. I can narrow it down even further to the clothesline scene being the
exact moment where I wondered how they did it, and eventually what it would be like to be part of a project like that. I’ve always been a creative, whether it be drawing, singing, or taking
pictures; yet I had maintained the belief that I wanted to be a veterinarian when I grew up until
this. Now looking back it just seems fitting, when I was young on Christmas Eve, I saw a
silhouette of reindeer and a sleigh in the sky, grabbed the camera and recorded a news report as the reporter, I would make music videos for family presents on holidays out of what used to be in photo albums; and when I first walked into my high school video production room, it was like a light went on behind my eyes. I work extremely well in the fast paced environment of a set - live or not - it’s the only place I feel I’m moving at a normal pace, and the same can be said for editing; making sense out of chaos.

A young woman struggles to maintain her sanity amidst the belief that she has a stalker.
Remember Me is a psychological thriller about a young woman who believes she’s being stalked
by someone violent. Sent into a paranoid spiral, she defaults to indulging in substance abuse
while isolating herself from her friends and falling apart behind closed doors. This doesn’t stop
the torment, which escalates as her mental health declines. She experiences spells of amnesia that are written off due to the alcohol. A repressed trauma makes itself known. The physical stalker isn’t real, but her mind’s hyper vigilance will guarantee delusions keeping her from ever feeling safe. This film was written to be an example of how to represent complex trauma within the horror genre without profiting off of villainizing an already misunderstood community. Things can be metaphorical, enhanced, exaggerated, but never should be fabricated. Mental illness is an incredibly complex topic, and arguably impossible to nail down due to how many unique events contribute to a single perspective. Repressed trauma can manifest in many ways including: amnesia, mood swings, trust issues, substance abuse, and withdrawing/isolation which are all featured in this project. These coping mechanisms are the brain's form of self-preservation, often experienced alongside subconscious hypervigilance and keeping them in fight or flight.

Pierce Jackson Esteves - Writer, Producer, Director, Editor, Props
Krista Schuff - Sound, AD, BTS Photography
Ava Makris - PA, Lighting, Camera, BTS Photography
Jimmy Lake - PA, Lighting, BTS Photography
Robert Payamps - Lighting
Brooke Burrows - Wardrobe
Sophia Feldman - Mina
Tara Andujar - Riley
Robert Payamps - EMS, Hooded Figure
Anthony Martucci - Kidnapper
Music & Graphics
Jeremy Collyer
Lennon Hutton
Victor Lundberg
Tommy Ljungberg
Jay Varton
Special Thanks
Maria Alvares
Erin Greenwell
Anthony Martucci
Mackenzie Runne
Sarah Nelson Wright